Teenage Engineering PO-33 KO drumset loader app

While there are some projects I’ve been doing lately that I’ve not written here yet, this is one of those I want to write up while it’s still hot – I could easily forget about it.

I recently bought a PO-33 KO by Teenage Engineering, which I think is an incredible music making device. It’s basically a handheld sampler, very easy to use, even if it has some limitations. I’ve been enjoying very much playing with it lately, but that’s not the point of this post! You can go see all the videos out there if you’re interesting in what it is and what it does.

The point of this post is that if you’ve been using it, you know it has some beautiful features, among which there’s the possibility of recording samples with the microphone or the line input. Everything is really fine while recording the melodic slots, but when it comes to recording drum slots, it begins to be a bit difficult to make the PO detect the various slices correctly. There’s a bit of frustation about this in the community, as you can find various videos on Youtube giving tips and tricks on the matter. In the end, it seems to be understood that the process is somewhat buggy, and it’s become accepted that you should probably use some of the available workarounds, like recording first in the melodic slots and then copying the slices to the drum section. By the way, these workarounds are slow and kind of impractical if you want to quickly move some drumset you’ve got on your PC to the PO.

I’ve seen people already doing this in various ways, trying to tackle the problem using other hardware or software which is not specific for the PO, but still the solutions seemed to me a bit suboptimal.

That’s why I wanted to try and solve the problem with a very simple webapp which basically allows to upload a series of sounds and then plays them in a hopefully PO-friendly way. It’s still in very early developement, but I’ve already been able to use it to upload some sample drums I had on my PC to the PO.

Right know it’s still pretty raw, but you can find it here: http://app.dmnk.cloud/po33-loader/

or on the Play Store here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=cloud.dmnk.po33loader2&hl=en_US&gl=US

Some quick instructions:

  1. press the buttons and select some  audio files representing your slices. You can select multiple files at once and it will place them in consecutive slots. The first sound is placed in every slot because as I understand it’s needed to play all 16 slots if you want a clean slicing.
  2. when you’re ready, press the desired destination drum slot (9-16)  plus the record button on the PO (as normally when you want to record there), and at the same time, start the playback on the app by pressing the red button (you’ll find it in the place of the record button on the PO background image of the app).
  3. you shoud hear all your sounds playing one after another and hopefully if either you’ve connected the PO with a jack-jack cable or you’re just placing it close to your speakers, the PO should be able to slice the sounds correctly.

You’ll notice that the sounds get cut in some cases, that’s because in my tests longer sounds have always been split by the PO in more slices. I decided that this tool should be only used with shorter sounds, more appropriate for the drum slots. If you need something longer, you’d better record it separately on a melodic slot and copy it manually to the drum section afterwards.

I hope this thing will be useful to someone! I may or may not make some improvements in the following days and then I may or may not update this blog post accordingly.


I recently bought an alto saxophone. It was quite a while I haven’t seriously been playing an instrument, so I came across a little challenge when it was time to read a music sheet. You know, that thing with a pentagram and some notes of various shapes drawn over it.

Since playing a note on the saxophone is not straightforward as it would be on a piano, I actually had two separate challenges: the first was to recognize a note on the pentagram, the second was to play it well (it means play the correct note steadly for some seconds – and in tune).

So I decided to code a little app to aid me doing so. The app is pretty simple: it shows a (random) note on the pentagram, and then listens to the microphone waiting for a note, identifying the pitch and, after some seconds of playing, says if the played note was correct or not. This app has proven quite useful in the process of improving my reading accuracy and speed, and I guess it might be useful to someone else too.

It’s published here: https://dmnk.cloud/noteslearn.

Technical infos

On the technical side, it is entirely coded using Javascript, and has been a cool challenge to code since it was the first time for me interacting with the microphone data on a web app. It uses some advanced Audio features of HTML5, based on the AudioContext component. Recognizing the pitch was a minor issue, obtained by playing a bit with the FFT of the signal, some other challenges included volume thresholding and octave recognition (less trivial).

In the end, the result is pretty usable for my alto sax, even though it may be less accurate if used with other instruments I didn’t test. The piano version is not perfect, for some notes it needs to repeatedly play the key to make the app recognize it. I guess it should work best with constant-volume-notes kind of instruments, like violin or flute, but as I said it was only fully tested with my alto sax.

Some music, please

I’d like to spend a few words about a project I’ve been doing with a friend for some years so far. My friend, nicknamed ‘Cassio’, enjoys singing some music (sort of dancehall/reggae/hip hop) and It’s been years since I started assisting him technically to record some of his songs.

We bought some stuff, like a decent microphone, a tiny external audio card, some cables and a dedicated PC, and we’ve been recording some tracks using Cubase 5, with me enjoying exploring new effects and possibilities offered by the software. I must say that has been very much fun, and I’m sharing it on this blog because I think it’s a pretty interesting experience, with (maybe) some technical value too.

If you’re interested in listening some of the songs we produced, you can find them on his official soundcloud page. The songs are in italian.