Radio Lockdown

Just keeping track of the projects.. On the 28th of October 2020 Radio Lockdown was founded. It’s a web radio in which me and my gf talk nonsense, but unbelivably on the second day we hit almost 200 active listeners.. wow. Anyways, going back to the technical details, it was so easy to makeĀ it from scratch:

  1. install icecast2 on the server
  2. configure icecast2 following the instructions (from apt-get)
  3. install darkice on the client
  4. configure /etc/darkice.cfg specifying the device (I used ‘pulse’ which uses the system sound in ubuntu) – if you don’t have a default darkice.cfg I think you can find an example somewhere in /usr/share
  5. run darkice and speak into the mic
  6. make a simple website with an audio elementĀ sourcing from your icecast2 address

Of course there are same small tweaks you can do, like could be useful to know that the default maximum number of simultaneous listeners is set to 100, that was why we had only 99 listeners for quite some time yesterday evening. And then if you wanna have same good sound too, you should probably connect a decent microphone or equipment, but that’s a different story.

So that’s how Radio Lockdown is born. But why? As the name itself tells, because of the lockdown imposed in France starting today. We stay isolated, but radio-connected!

If you want to listen for some trash talking, we don’t have a plan but we do have an url (we speak mostly italian):