Greatly inspired by this article, it came to my mind that would be cool making some website which could be explored like the real world, rather than just consulted or read.
I picked the original code from the article, which already let you build a simple 3D world which could be navigated in first person, and modified it to have customizable blocks, with action, photos and mouse to control the view, enriching the experience.
Actually, then I spent a lot of time developing what would be the map editor, which has been really useful when designing my own map/world.
A first experiment that I have made is here.
I also uploaded the editor so that people can design and try their own world.
Everything will be saved locally to the localstorage of the browser, so for now, you can’t share the world you have created. Anyway, I’m planning to offer the possibility to create and share your own world, but it will take some effort so I will do it later.
The thing should work fine with chrome and firefox.