
Hello everyone! It’s been a while since I last wrote a piece on this blog, since that a lot of things changed, but I still want to share some of my experiences with the world.

I’ll be making some brief posts to track some projects I’ve been working to in these almost 2 years of absence.

This post is about KangaMex, a messaging platform which idea is really simple, yet I didn’t find something like it when I needed it. The app is a delayed messaging service, or a service to send messages which will be delivered only at a specified date and time in the future. You write your message, set the unlock date and time, the recipient’s username, and send it. The recipient will be notified that he/she has an upcoming message, but will not be able to see it until the unlock time has come. Very simple, nice way to send delayed messages.

The app is at mex.kanga.life.