Getting started.

While taking this tour,
you can choose to listen for a song I composed, played and mixed some time ago.

Introducing CUE
Introducing CUE
Introducing CUE,
a declarative framework for "Pages and Screens" websites.

Click on the right side button to learn more.


CUE makes it easy.
CUE lets you create good looking jQuery-powered page transitions.
It already includes HTML5 music and a SiteMap components.
You can always add your own HTML code to the content.
You can style your components with usual CSS.
You can choose your CSS3 Gradient or background image easily.
Learn about CUE Components.
CUE Components overview:

Click anywhere to get a fast tour through the components.
A Screen is the basic component in CUE.
They are window-sized containers for your content.

Right now, you're looking at a Screen.


bgImages and bgGradients
Here's another Screen.

Screens supports background images or gradients, called <bgImages> and <bgGradients>.
bgImages and bgGradients - 2
<bgImages> and <bgGradients>
also expect a <bgCaption>,
which is the text you see in the lower right corner.
Pages are containers for multiple Screens.

They can host one or more Screens, and usually the first of them needs a Trigger to scroll right to the next Screen.

The right side bar button is the trigger in this case.


the first Screen
By default, clicking on the first Screen of a page takes you down to the next Page.

In this way you can define a main path in your website, letting the user choose whether to take a tour or go deeper into the presented topic.
the last Screen
When you have entered a topic, other Screens take you to the next one, and the last triggers the next page.
the Audio Player
The Audio Player is a component used to play songs while surfing the website.

If you select it, it will be showed in the lower left corner of the screen, in every screen.

Anyway, it can be easily hidden if needed.


the code
A sample code for the audio player running in this website right now is:

<player song="songs/DanieleNicassio-FluteSpring.ogg"></player>

the SiteMap
The SiteMap is a component for navigating through Pages and Screens. It is positioned at the lower left corner of the screen.

Try to click it on this page now.


the code
A sample code for the SiteMap of the lower left corner is as easy as writing this:


Compatibility Issues
The CUE framework has known compatibility issues:
It can not stand Internet Explorer. Sorry.

It has been tested with Firefox and Chromium.


I cannot exclude the fact that IE may work.
But i'm quite sure that IE doesn't come with Ogg support, so that the music won't play.
Code Example
I want to show as an example just this website.

Press Ctrl + U on your keyboard and you should see the source of this page.


As the CUE framework is srongly based on jQuery, you should include it to make it work.

Learn how to do this on their website.
Using CUE
If you're ready to try it out, after having included the jQuery script, add this code just before the </body> closing tag, on your HTML page:

<script src=""></script>

A work by Daniele Nicassio
The CUE framework has been developed by Daniele Nicassio by night, instead of studying or working.

Yet, it has been funny.


the Blog
If you're interested in more of my projects, take a look at my blog.

P.S. If you didn't like my music, don't blame me.
I'm just a poor computer engineer trying to find some artistic value in himself..
.. and avoiding copyright issues too!